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'Wicked' Times 


Join me for Zoomleadership!

  • It is a five-module series each of 90 minutes 

  • Each module is available as individual learning experiences or as a series.

  • Two sessions are available to fit your time needs.

  • Each module is $90 or as a bundle of any 5 modules for $400 (plus GST)

As most of you know I have been actively supporting leaders, teams and communities in working effectively and with maximum energy for over 25years. Looking around our organisations and communities we see people who are challenged by the current operating environment.


I have never experienced the current level of challenge to our ways of life and the systems we use that make us uniquely human! 


Our planet has created a forced pause in the way we all have been living and working and ask us to address some important questions.

  • What is really important to us? 

  • How do we see the connectivity to each other and how can we ensure that we are not only aware of that connectivity but to show that we value it!

  • How important is our personal sense of freedom and autonomy?

  • What will we do to respond and demonstrate that to each other?

  • How do we individually take responsibility to remain composed in the craziness of the world in reaction?

  • How do we reach out to support others and potentially to be courageous enough to ask for help ourselves if we need it? 

The pause has offered the opportunity to stop, reflect and develop some skills and challenge our current thinking as we move into the future changed forever by Covid 19.

I have crafted an offering for you to maximise that pause and answer your curiosity as you explore your personal leadership challenges, whilst you still remain focused on work and family.

  • Interactive, film clips, reading and more to explore leadership with a network of growth minded leaders online

  • Make the most of your time away from the delivery of work - reconnect to what's important to you

  • Maintain connection with your team

  • Practical, pertinent skills to make you more effective and responsive in life and work

  • Experiential zoom workshops designed to maintain your composure and develop your personal leadership and your ability to lead others

  • Zoomed right into your home

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